Saturday, November 14, 2009

ZOMG E-mail Fraud

I received a Nigerian Letter via e-mail today. This amused me a bit, and got me to thinking, "have I ever received one of these before?" After some thought I have to say to my best recollection, I have not. Or at least I haven't received one that didn't get caught by a spam filter and get deleted without me ever knowing of its existence.

For my own particular letter the "bank" in question is located in South Africa and not Nigeria, but a scam is a scam is a scam regardless of where the con men claim the fictitious money is located. Were I to actually contact the sender of this e-mail, all I'd get for my foolish greed is somebody trying to get me to give up my bank account information and/or wire him money. In honor of me getting my first Nigerian Letter scam (at least the first one I've actually noticed) I'm posting a copy of the actual letter (I did blur out the e-mail address just in case someone takes this seriously despite the fact I've done nothing but talk about how it's a fraud).

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