Thursday, October 20, 2022

Surprise Post after a "Brief" Hiatus


Hello from 2022.  So been awhile hasn’t it?


I make no promises of any future posts, but really quickly here’s what I’ve been up to.


I moved from Saint Louis Park to Eden Prairie, and from Eden Prairie to Saint Paul.  I’m still at that job I had just started back in September of 2011.  I greatly enjoy it.  After working eight years as a telephone operator in rural Minnesota (which wasn’t a bad job at all), and spending however long I spent working for CPP (a company that doesn’t even exist in the US any longer) trying to convince people to not quit their identity theft memberships they signed up for on their random credit cards, I find working for a company that manufactures actual useful physical products to be amazing. 


We mainly manufacture and sell variable-frequency drives and related products.  I started in customer service and a few years back moved to technical support of all things.  It’s great.


I still play WoW off and on (I tend to come back for an expansion, play a bit at the start and again a bit at the end).  I still play City of Heroes (thank you Homecoming) off and on.  I play the odd other video game off and on (Final Fantasy XIV for example) as well.


Still role-playing.  Ran a second BESM campaign set in Nayado using BESM 3rd edition that ran for five years.  Enjoying D&D 5th edition quite a bit, trying to DM when I can, and playing in a campaign as well.


I still watch the odd anime here and there.  Still read the odd comic book.  Still do most of the same things as before really.

Totally lost that game of chess back in 2011, but I'm far to lazy to go digging around in old Facebook posts to find the moves.


Until next time.

1 comment:

fridka said...

kişisel gelişim kitapları okumak